Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Breakfast today

The weather is perfect today in Strathmere, NJ. Its about 82' and there is a soft warm breeze off the ocean. I grew up vacationing in Ocean City and I am surely a OCNJ girl, but Strathmere is growing on me. Its more peaceful and less crowded here, you can hear your thoughts. There is no fight on the beach for a spot and you aren't squeezed in byob style to the next family. No one is bothering you about beach tags, or your pitchers of alcohol at the bottom of your towel.  Last night around 1am we could actually see a group of people making a fire on the beach from our deck. I haven't seen that since Daytona Beach spring break. I may be changing my mind about where I want to settle my future beach house. 
 To start the morning I made  the "frozen cappuccino" recipe from my vitamix guy. It's a great way to sneak carrots and spinach into your morning. 2 cups of almond milk, 1/4 cup agave, 1tbs cacao, 1tbs instant coffee, 3 cups of ice and any veggies you want to disguise. It absolutely tastes like coffee and you won't taste whatever you throw in. I had two organic eggs and 2 pcs of bacon as well. I need a breakfast that will hold me over all day on the beach. 
Almost forgot to snap the pic
Looch helping with breakfast 
Today's view, no fog in sight

I am posting this blog from a lounge chair  with that view, so grateful. Have a great day!

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