Monday, May 30, 2011

Sum Summer

I LOVE summer!  It is my favorite time of year for many reasons.  One, it reminds me of my favorite place to live, Florida.  Two, I (like many women) feel my best with a sun kissed tan.  (I know there are people who love the snow white theme on their face and thighs, good for you toothpicks!) And three, the fact that you have sunlight until at least 8pm making the day longer and thus more productive, makes me a happy girl.
 I also live for the Jersey Shore.  It's dreams of the shore that get me through the cold Jersey Winters. (That and a tropical vaca circa February or March)
 Some of my fondest childhood memories are from the Jersey Shore.  Beach days where you get lost in the sand and the fun game you play with the seagulls where you try and eat the sandwich you packed for lunch before they swoop down and steal it only inches from your mouth.  Falling asleep with the sound of the ocean while the sun is beating on your bikini belly.  Nights on the boardwalk with hoodies and fries.  Shopping in all the little stores, trying out henna tattoos and flirting with the boys.  Graduating to the age of Beach Bars and No Shower Happy Hours.  Atlantic City nightlife, the trouble you find on girls nights away.  Bike rides on the boardwalk in the morning.  Renting the house with the perfect deck and crab nights with frozen daiquiris.  I could literally go on forever.
 I was so busy with work and life and planning to take mom away for her birthday that I let the normal time I call the realtor to show me houses, just pass right by. It should be fun to try and find the perfect house this late in the season, but I don't care, I love it.
 But now that I am not a kid, it isn't the shore all summer.  Because of course, I have to work now.  I think that is the one thing complaining students will never truly appreciate until it is gone, SUMMERS OFF! So I need something for the in between visits.  Introducing, the mini pool...
Our first swimmer
Sharing the love
Now I don't have a large back yard (or I would be introducing the fabulous in-ground pool), so I was working with what I could.  And I love it.  When I woke up today the first thing I did was put my bathing suit on.  And I look forward to doing that on the weekends I'm home, and the week nights after a long hot day.  I already bought floats, I have already been floating.  I am sure my yard would look nicer with the green grass and open areas, but who would use that!  I am very excited to entertain and share this with my friends and family.  With a little Pandora Radio and a drink in hand you can close your eyes and float all the way out of the yard.....

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Magical Disney

I have been away on a Magical Disney Vacation.  (that is how they explain it on the commercial, right?) Well, it is true.  It was a wonderful vacation with just mom and I to get away and celebrate her birthday.  It was beautiful every day and not one drop of rain.  We took in sun and the pool, had  fabulous meals, and got to spend time with dearly missed family.
We were lucky enough to be visiting Epcot during the flower and garden show, and it was beautiful!

 While in Epcot we took advantage of traveling the countries to eat and enjoy the sights around the world.  We decided to do dessert before our main meal in a Patisserie in France, goodies below.
 If you go to Epcot, you absolutely have to eat your main meal in China.  And for this Italian girl to say that, you know it isn't to be missed.  The sesame honey chicken is perfect and share it with someone else so that you can also enjoy the cucumber salad (one of the many yummy apps) if you can fit that in your belly as well.
 Below are some shots of our adventure in Mexico.  They have a great boat ride that is a really relaxing and beautiful ride that just happens to be in air conditioning if you need a break from walking in the sun!

 On my moms actual birthday we had the best dinner. Downtown Disney's Fultons Crab.  Everything we ate was amazing and our view over the water was perfect.  When it got dark we actually saw some of the night fireworks at the surrounding parks.  *If you like mushrooms, ask for the mushroom fry app, wow.

We both had this as our dinner choice.  Allowed you to try fish, crab cake, and the most perfectly cooked plump shrimp

 Our last night in Orlando was perfect, because we were surrounded by family.  <3
Mom with the Witzel clan.

My handsome cousins (Ryan and Tyler) and beautiful cousin Kaitlyn
 One thing I noticed was new to Disney since my last visit: the influx of princesses.  And I don't mean Cinderella.  Every little girl we passed was dressed to top in a Princess outfit: shoes, hair, dress, wands.  It was adorable.  We enjoyed pointing out each new "Princess" we passed.  We noticed they had set up shops within the parks were little girls could "transform." A dress alone was over $50.00.  It wasn't until we were riding the bus home after a long day of walking, and I looked over at this little "princess" that I thought about it.
 Disney really is a magical place.  It makes dreams you couldn't even imagine on your own, come true.  Some of what you see is so beautiful and imaginative, it makes your own brain want to step up its game.  And that is for an adult.  A child's eye can barely take in everything that lies in front of it.  Everything seems so big and opportunity lies around every corner.  Details adults can appreciate are lost on children.  But the children have the better view, because they still believe in every thing they see.  They still believe anything is possible.  Yes, it may have cost the father on the bus close to $100.00 to have his daughter in that outfit, with her sparkle bun and perfect shoes.  But he gave her what I imagine every parent wants for their little girl.  He gave her the belief that she was a Princess.  Maybe when he handed over that cash and watched her light up as people doted on her hair and makeup, he was actually the big winner.  And I would bet there is more then one parent that watches and hopes that in her lifetime, she will find the real Prince her dreams believe in now.  And that he will make her feel like a Princess everyday.  So arguably some people will call this new "Princess Store" that latest Disney pull for the last dollars in your wallet.  But I say, money well spent. 
 As a last note, Disney does have more rides then I could mention here.  A few I would suggest you don't miss: Pirates of the Caribbean, the Mexican Boat Ride, Tower or Terror, Mission Earth, and Peter Pan, to name a few.  But one thing I would absolutely not miss is the Walt Disney Exhibit.  You begin by walking through a museum of sorts that takes you through Walt's life.  Pictures and words walk you through his childhood and the road that lead to the idea of "Disney."  You walk yourself right into a movie that through random clips, allows Walt himself to narrate.  You see the first drawings of Mickey Mouse (named by his wife) all the way to his idea of Epcot and bringing the world to one place.  I can't even pretend that I didn't feel a wave of emotion that brought tears to my eyes.  To me it is so moving to see such an imagination come to life.  I both idolize and envy Walt.  His life is remarkable, his mind is beautiful.  Walt never did get to see Epcot and Disney complete and as successful as it is today.  But I was standing right there, in the middle of this man's dream.  Whether you buy into the idea of Disney or not, there is no escaping the magnitude and power of his ideas and the courage of his dreams.  It is inspiring.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

This is why I'm hot, I'm hot cause I'm fly, you aint cause..... You only take one class

Travel back with me a few days. I was exhausted after running around the world for work and errands, starving for dinner, and craving the couch and zombie land. However, summer is around the corner and after a winter of over eating and indulging with my girlfriends I don't have the luxury of skipping the gym.....again.
So now I'm waiting against the lockers of the gym for the class before mine to end so I can spend the next 45 minutes working on or rather off, my butt. This class I'm about to take is mostly squats and it always makes walking the next day difficult, which I love. So I'm feeling pretty proud of myself for making it to the gym a few times this week. And that feeling lasted about 5 minutes, when the class before mine ended. I noticed as that class was packing away the step blocks they were using and clearing off the floor, that they weren't all clearing.
The skinny young girls were sticking around for class number 2! They are doubling up on classes! The skinny "brats" don't leave, they kill two at a time! I am not doing well, I'm a slacker! Dreams of being a consistent "gym goer" have fallen to the ground. Sure I can attend one class and pack it up like the mushys, call it a good night because it was better then my butt imprint on the couch. But I'm only fooling myself. So it looks like I'm about to step up my game.
Thank you young, energetic, super tight gym girls- for reminding me of my gym potential. While I may hate you for it during the classes, my clothes will thank you later. They hate to be squeezed on.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Forever or Never

I always try to stay out of Forever 21. Why you say? Although trendy and good for a cheap quick save, the clothes always always fall apart. Where did they get the balls to call it "forever" 21. It should be: "for a week...tops," 21.
However, in a mad dash to collect a few items for a quickly planned Disney trip, I find myself mid center of this store. It's the biggest store in the mall. Now the bigger is better theory is never true, (ok, a few instances it was) but usually draws a crowd. Me being the crowd today. I have one hour to fill the suitcase. And even though as I'm in the dressing room I'm asking myself, "Is it worth it for one wear?"- I walk out with a bag. One long strapless dress and a white top which I decide I will wear on the plane. At checkout the cashier asks me, "are you aware of our return policy.". Which I am, so I reply, "yes, I can't bring it back when it rips." She looks up,laughs, and fills my bag. It's the deal at Forever baby. If forever would describe a long marriage of love and devotion, Forever 21 is that one night stand you knew was a bad idea at hello.