Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Loving your Home

One thing I really appreciate is having somewhere to put my feet up  and call home.  While I often dream about my "perfect house," I never let that take away from making and enjoying the home I have now.  And I always keep in mind how lucky it is to even have one room to yourself in some places, let alone the land my 4 bedroom home sits on.  Some of my favorite things in life are done right here in this home: entertaining friends and family, cooking meals, and the ahh haa moment of the day when I curl onto the couch with lots of blankets and pillows to melt away into a movie, the newspaper, or even a much needed nap.
 Even an apartment or rented room can offer you the sanctuary you need from a hectic work day or busy life.  And one thing I have learned over the years (and 6 apartments, 1 rented house and finally my own home) is that clutter and madness in your home can steal the breath of happiness that a space can really offer.  As an old boyfriend once said, "I hate too many *chachkies, it reminds me of an older persons house." *His word for a bunch of junk that one tends to collect over the years: decorations for mantels, magazines that pile up, overall things that go from enhancing to taking over you space.  I have been slowly learning to buy less and more meaningful when it comes to my home.  I am an admitted shopaholic who loves stores like Home Goods, Pottery Barn, Ikea,  and Pier One.  And when I first bought my home I wanted to fill it up so quickly so it felt warm and lived it.  Now, I would rather take a step back and enjoy open space and possibility around me.
 I also think a home should speak to and of you.  What I walk around in is a reflection of me, and I want it to feel that way.  I am slowly learning to build that.  In my kitchen you will find two open recipe books on opposite sides of the room.  One is open to a Lebanese Salad, the other an Italian Pasta Dish.  While I am in my kitchen cooking I take comfort that I am squeezed between two sides of my heritage that I love.  I also decided to collect the wine corks of bottles I have been sharing over time.  I bought this beautiful clear vase that I love and I use it to display the corks.  When I walk past it I smile because inside of this green vase is laughing shared with girlfriends over glasses, dinners with family and friends, a glass I drank myself while reading a great book, a bottle bought from a wine fest, one found at christmas, planning of a Vegas trip....inside the vase are all my good memories, one cork at a time.

 Being that it is summer and I plan to spend a lot of time outside, I am incorporating things that mean something to me there as well.  This can be as simple as your favorite color flower.  Or for me, this cheerful mat.
I choose these things because they mean something to me, not because they are a filler for space.  I guess someone else liked them too because I had a visitor tonight pop under my fence...
And speaking of things I love, I was happy to have a successful little dinner party tonight with some friends and catch up!
Wine and bread to start the gabbing

Green Bean Casserole to compliment the teriyaki chicken, spicy rice, and bowl of salad.
Also, last thing to share.  My tip to quickly clean up a home for an unexpected guest or because you are hosting a dinner party on a work night!  Lysol wipes are a life saver.  They quickly wipe down counters, cabinets, floors and bathrooms.  No spraying and pulling paper towels, wipe and throw.  And a little carpet freshener down before a quick vacuum gives the house a fresh smell that says, I have been cleaning for hours before you came......Enjoy!

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